Wednesday 9 November 2016

Donald Trump wins US Presidential Elections 2016

Are you interested in politics? Do you know who the 1st President of the US was?
Do you know who the new President of the US is? Who did you think would win the US Presidential Elections this year (Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump)?
Share your comments here. 

Est-ce-que la politique vous intéresse? Savez vous qui a été le premier président des États-Unis ? Est-ce-que vous savez qui est devenu le nouveau président des États-Unis ? Qui croyiez vous qui allait gagner le élections cette année (Hillary Clinton ou Donald Trump)?
Partagez vos commentaires ici. 

¿Te interesa la política? ¿Sabes quién fué el primer presidente de Estados Unidos? ¿Sabes quién es el nuevo presidente de Estados Unidos? ¿Quien creías que ganaría las elecciones presidenciales en Estados Unidos este año (Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump)?
Dejad vuestros comentarios aquí.

   Share your comments here. 

Every newspaper cover in the world shows today images of the stunning victory of Mr Trump in the US Elections. 

Here you go the headlines and videos from the New York Times


URL: NYTimes - Donald Trump is Elected President


  1. Yo he de decir que este año, más que ningún otro, he seguido con interés la campaña para las elecciones presenciales estadounidenses. No entiendo mucho de política ni me interesa especialmente, pero sí me preocupa. Ahora solo cabe dar la enhorabuena a Donald Trump aunque he de confesar que no era mi candidato favorito.

  2. Donal Trump has won the US Presidential Elections after a tight battle against Democratic Party candidate Hillary Clinton. He'll become the 45th President of the US. Congratulations Mr. President! I guess America wasn't ready yet for a female president into office ;-)

  3. Mariana - 3rd course
    I'm not interested in politics but this time I really wanted to know was going to happen
    I always thought Hilary Clinton would win the presidential elections and I'm very suprised with the results.

  4. Sonia Castro - 3rd course
    I'm not interested in politics because I think all the politicians don't really fight for us

    1. From 2L Italy, Galatina A. Vallone high school .

      50% of our class thinks that Trump does everything for the American people and the other 50% says that Trump is a business man and a showman.

  5. Bea - 3rd course
    I know that the 1st President of USA was G. Washignton and the new President is D. Trump.
    I think H. Clinton was the best option for President. She has more exprerience in politics than Trump.

  6. Santi - 3rd course
    In think we have a lot of problems in our country with politicians and we are scared with Trump. In Spain there is a frence in Melilla.
    I think that nowadays in the world extreme right-wing parties are winning votes.

  7. Sí me interesa la política porque todo lo que deciden los políticos nos affecta en nuestras vidas diarias.Me he gustado Hillary Clinton como nueva presidenta de EEUU porque ella tiene más experiencia del trabajo político.(como ha dicho Bea). Pero los habitantes de Estados Unidos han elegido su presidente y esperamos lo mejor para el mundo.Quizás el país accepterá una presidenta en el futuro no tan lejos.
